The meeting with recorded and the video is available here. A written recap summary of the session is provided below.
Our next meeting will be next Monday, October 30th, 2017 - 6:30 to 8pm in rooms 11-12 of the education building of Mt. Zion UMC. Next week we will look at What Science Says About Homosexuality.
Before jumping into a recap of what we discussed let me quickly give proper credit where credit is due. All of the content and material of this study is provided by Stand to Reason. I've purchased their DVD series, studied it, obtained presentation slides from the author, and then have simply presented the material myself.
My one and only contribution has been to create a fill-in-the-blank worksheet. I'll continue to add the blank and filled-out worksheets for each session here.
Many Christians face a false dilemma - they believe that have to choose between loving their gay friend/family member versus their faith (or more precisely, Biblical authority on the issue of homosexuality). This dilemma is a false one. A Christian can love the person without accepting or affirming their behavior.
We discussed the pro-gay theology movement which, broadly, attempts to make the Biblical text look gay affirming by saying that any scriptures on homosexuality only condemns an abusive or coercive form of homosexual sex. A prominent leader in this movement is Matthew Vines and his organization, the Reformation Project.
What Scripture Says About Homosexuality
And so we turned to Scripture to see what it says about sex in general and homosexuality in particular. In Genesis we see sexual relations as a Godly creation intended to take place only between one man and one woman in a marriage relationship. It's interesting to note that Jesus affirms this biblical model of sex in marriage (Matthew 19:4-6). And so all other forms of sex are prohibited (e.g., sex before marriage, homosexual sex, adultery, incest, rape, bestiality, etc.).There are actually on 6 (maybe 5) Biblical passages that specifically speak on homosexuality, 3 in the Old Testament and 3 in the New Testament.
All of them teach that homosexual sex is a sin. Leviticus 18:22 is straightforward in condemning homosexual sex, Leviticus 20:13 shows that even consensual homosexual sex is prohibited, and then we see in 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 and 1 Timothy 1:8-11 homosexual behavior in a list of vices.
These all speak generically about homosexual sex and aren't limiting the prohibition against abusive or coercive homosexual sex. Paul even makes up the word arsenokoitai to generically refer to men (arseno) who bed with (koitai) men.
Even a single Biblical condemnation against wholesale homosexual activity is enough to undermine pro-gay theology. We have at least 6.
If someone asks a Christian what the Bible says about homosexuality, the best test to go to is Romans 1:26-27. As with the rest, it prohibits homosexual sex but it has three advantages over the other texts:
- Romans is in the New Testament and circumvents a distracting discussion concerning the relevancy of Old Testament laws.
- It address both male and female homosexuality.
- It clearly describes why homosexual behavior is wrong, instead of merely listing it as a sin.
What Scripture Doesn't Say About Homosexuality
We concluded by highlighting what Scripture does not say about homosexuality.Scripture does not say that homosexual behavior is the worst sin. In 1 Corinthians 6 and 1 Timothy 1 we see homosexuality listed along with other "ordinary" sins. Paul does put homosexuality in a special category of sins against the body but it is still not listed as the worst. But even if we don't say it, we sometimes act like homosexuality is the worst sin. So we as Christians need to be consistent in how we act.
Scripture does not say you can’t be friends (or in a family relationship) with homosexuals. Jesus made a habit of being friends of sinners. And we need to retain and reinforce these relationships as they become the bridge by which we can show love and share the gospel.
It is true that 1 Cor 5: 9-10 says to not associate with sexually immoral people. But, Paul goes on the specify that he is talking about those who call themselves Christians. The Bible wants us to avoid relationships with unrepentant people within the church.
We need to stand firm in what God says in His word to us but must be sure to be people who live out the love and grace that God has freely offered to us. While we are equipped to know what Scripture says we should also aim to be compassionate people who our friends or family feel safe and loving enough to talk to.
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