Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Next Study: How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

After a bit of a break I'm excited to announce the next apologetics study that we'll be offering: "How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth".

In this study we'll be looking at strategies and guidelines from prominent biblical scholars on how to read your Bible well so that we can properly handle and better understand God's word. In many ways it seems so simple, just read your Bible! But the Bible is a collection of various books of many different genres: letters, poetry, wisdom, history, etc. Most of these genres are foreign to us, we just are not used to reading those types of literature. And so in this study we'll learn about tips and guidelines on how to understand the Bible and its different genres so that we can read it for all its worth!

We'll also be hosting a community event beforehand. We will be talking with Dr. Eric Bargerhuff on his two books, "The Most Misused Verses (and Stories) in the Bible."

Read on for details on the study and community event.

The Most Misused Verses (and Stories) in the Bible

Surprising Ways God's Word is Misunderstood


We will hear from Dr. Eric Bargerhuff from Trinity College of Florida on his two books, "The Most Misused Verses in the Bible" and "The Most Misused Stories in the Bible". 

With respect to his former book, here are a few of the most misused verses that Dr. Bargerhuff
  • "For I know the plans I have for you..." (Jer 29:11-13)
  • "...all things work together for good..." (Rom 8:28)
  • "Train up a child in the way he should go..." (Prov 22:6)


Wednesday October 16, 2019 from 6 to 7:30 p.m.


"The Sanctuary" at Mt. Zion UMC, Bel Air, MD

How to Study the Bible for All Its Worth


A 4-week study, based on the subject title book, looking at strategies and guidelines from prominent biblical scholars on how to read your Bible well so that we can properly handle and better understand God's word. In many ways it seems so simple, just read your Bible! But the Bible is a collection of various books of many different genres: letters, poetry, wisdom, history, etc. Most of these genres are foreign to us, we just are not used to reading those types of literature. And so in this study we'll learn about tips and guidelines on how to understand the Bible and its different genres so that we can read it for all its worth!


Wednesdays starting October 23, 2019, ending November 13, 2019 running from 6 to 7:30 p.m.


Rooms 9-10 of the Education Building at Mt. Zion UMC, Bel Air, MD

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