Wednesday, October 4, 2017

October Update

I apologize that it has been so long since I've given an update on what's going on. So, I wanted to do 3 things here:
  1. Recap the summer activities
  2. Say a few words about Nabeel Qureshi's passing
  3. Announce information about our next community event and study which is on the topic of homosexuality

Recap of Summer Activities

Very quickly, this summer I had the privilege of teaching the "No God But One" study to the Mt. Zion UMC Sunday School class. Additionally, I did a lot of thinking and praying and studying on this year's topic (more on that below).

Nabeel Qureshi's Passing

As most of you probably know, Nabeel Qureshi passed away on Saturday September 16, 2017. Nabeel has left a legacy with his passion to share the gospel. He is truly a man who trusted God in all things. As cliché as it is, we can be assured that Nabeel is in a better place.

I wanted to recommend re-watching my favorite moment from our Skype call with Nabeel. At the very end I asked if his conversion to Christianity from Islam was "worth the cost". In response he poignantly exalted the ultimate value of Jesus over and above any cost, even death itself. Take a listen (at 1:22:30).

Next Study: Homosexuality

This Fall we are offering a study on homosexuality. Not only has Christianity and homosexuality (really, sexuality in general) been a hot button issue for quite a while but almost every one of us has someone close to us who identifies as gay or lesbian. For these reasons I thought it deserved a dedicated study and discussion.

Community Event: Skype Call with Ron Belgau

On Thursday, October 19th, 2017, 6:30-8pm at Mt. Zion UMC (the Tent) we will talk with Ron Belgau about the orthodox Christian response to the challenge of homosexuality.

Ron Belgau is the cofounder, with Wesley Hill, of Spiritual Friendship, an increasingly popular blog dedicated to exploring how the recovery of authentic Christian teaching on friendship can help to provide a faithful and orthodox response to the challenge of homosexuality.

Ron is an orthodox Christian committed to the Bible's traditional view on sexuality. He grew up as a gay teenager where the only messages he heard from the church were negative. In response, Ron has done a lot of thinking on the topic of Christianity and homosexuality from an academic philosophical and theological stance but also from his personal perspective as a celibate Roman Catholic.

Group Study: The Truth about Homosexuality: A Compassionate Response

The week following the Skype call with Ron we will offer a 4-week study titled "The Truth about Homosexuality: A Compassionate Response". We will meet on Mondays, starting October 23rd, 2017, 6:30-8pm in rooms 11-12 at Mt. Zion UMC's education building.

This study is divided into four sessions:
  • Session 1: What Does Scripture Say about Homosexuality?
  • Session 2: What Does Science Say about Homosexuality?
  • Session 3: What Are Some Causes of Same-Sex Attraction?
  • Session 4: How to Speak the Truth with Compassion
All are invited to join us in this study!


  1. Thanks for the update! I'm looking forward to the new class. Christina

  2. Thanks for the update, Brian. Sorry to miss this class, but our small group meets on Mondays. You do a great job on your classes!
